Friday, October 28, 2011

Potty Training

So Isla is almost 22 months old (where did the time go, honestly) and with Annie's arrival vast approaching, there is nothing I would love more than Isla being potty trained... one girl in panties and one girl in diapers sounds much more appealing then changing 2 poopy bums everyday... plus Isla is really loving becoming a 'big girl' and discovering her independence. She has been telling us for weeks now when she has to "poo-poo" and has been going on the potty for number 2 for a little while now. We bought her a little Sesame Street potty that sits on top of the toilet so she doesn't fall in. She often just enjoys sitting on the potty, reading books and getting a good feel for it. We have read her several books SEVERAL times about using a potty and she seems both excited and ready to be a full blown potty user.

We decided to do two things: I went to the dollar store with Isla and let her pick out a basket. I then filled the basket with several treats; crafts, books, toy cars, a slinky, stickers, hair clips, tattoos and candy. We have explained to her that this is her "potty basket". Whenever she goes successfully on the potty, poop or pee, she can pick ONE treat from her basket. She is very excited about this. Also, Cam and I decided to make her a 'potty chart'. It is taped up in our bathroom where she can see it. Every time she successfully goes on the potty, we mark it on the chart and she gets to place a sticker inside the toilet bowl.

(just for fun... such a cute picture of my lady)

Here is hoping...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Crafty Things

First, a non-craft thing:
Isla LOVES books. She is obsessed. She loves being read to and her latest bit is grabbing books, saying "Me, Me, Me" and climbing into her reading chair to peruse the books at her leisure. The other day, she was wearing her new winter boots (which of course, she loves) and I found her in her chair like this:
 *note the boots.
lift the flap ones are top notch in her books (no pun intended... haha)

warms the heart.

Crafty things next: for those of you who know me well know that I am NOT creative nor talented in really any kind of way. Several of my close friends have very obvious talents and for that, I am envious. I, however, do not. I have accepted this. Sort of. But with Annie coming, I have been inspired to branch out a little and do some new things. Now, baby steps people. I am not all of a sudden Martha Stewart, but I have been dipping my fingers in some creative juices for Annie's room and I must say... I am thoroughly enjoying it. Here are a couple things I am working on: 

 letters to hang in Annie's room... now, I am not done yet. I plan on adding some detail to the black letters with the hot pink paint... I tried stenciling but alas, it failed. I am open to any suggestions besides free hand... remember... not talented. 

Cam and I did this together. He drew it and we both painted it and outlined it together. It is to hang on the outside of her bedroom door. We have also started one for Isla too!

We are slowly getting ideas of how to decorate Annie's space... it will be similar to Isla's mainly because we are reusing the bedding which is black, pink and white so that is the color scheme we are going with. As you can see, touches of lime green will accent the room too. It's starting to come together! 
Wish me luck on my continued creative endeavors!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

No longer a Baby

So, yesterday was the end of an era in our house. Isla upgraded to a big girl bed! We said "bye-bye" to the crib and hello to a lovely, new, bright pink toddler bed! We spent the previous day at The Brick looking at beds and allowing Isla to slightly destroy their showroom as she climbed and jumped and tested out the new beds. Cam and I decided against a twin bed for now, so we thought a toddler bed would be perfect. We had had conversations with Isla about how she is getting bigger and therefore, some changes would be happening; like potty training (which is sort of beginning but we are not FULL BLOWN into it yet... maybe another week?) and a new bed with NO railings. We went to IKEA yesterday and she was so pumped... I could literally see the excitement in her face as we picked out a new bed, a mattress, new bedding and some little details for her new BIG GIRL room. Cam and I were (and still are) a little nervous about it... it's a big change. She is no longer locked up like a prisoner to her bed... she is FREEEEEEE which means I can no longer laze around in bed for a few extra minutes when she wakes up. Cam was nervous because (God bless his sensitive, daddy heart) he thought perhaps it was too soon, or we didn't prepare her enough, or we didn't have enough conversations with her about it. Having said all this, we knew it was time to get her in one and settled before Annie joins our family. Last night, we tucked her in tight (and I mean tight), read her 2 stories and prayed our night time prayers. We had one last talk with her about the importance of staying in bed and sleeping when it's night time. And guess what? She stayed in bed ALLLLL night, didn't fall out and woke up at 8 am this morning AND waited for us to get her out of bed! YAYYYYYYY. Having said all that, I am still anticipating some backlash (falling out, running around, etc...) but so far so good. I am so proud of my little lady and how big and smart she is getting. No longer a baby indeed.

practicing getting in and out of her new bed.

such pride at how big she is.

all clean and tucked in for her very first night in her new special bed. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I am honored to introduce you to...


A couple Friday's ago, we had the honor and privilege of seeing our baby again for the second time. We were completely sure we would not find out what we were having, but for those of you who know us best know that this surprise would never happen! The instant Cam saw our beautiful babe on the screen, he insisted we find out. When the ultra sound tech shared with us the news of another daughter, my eyes filled with tears and I immediately could not picture our family any other way. God chose another little lady to fill our lives with joy, love and fulfillment and for that, I am overcome with joy. Cam nor I had a sister (although now, through marriage, we both have 2 that we cherish completely). For Isla to have a little sister to share her life with makes me feel warm inside. She is going to be an incredible big sister. My prayer is that despite the rough times to come (bah, 2 teenage girls = yikes), I want them to be best friends. I want Isla and Annie to go to each other when times are tough, or when they need someone to talk to, or when they need help or when they feel they can't come to us, they each can have someone else that loves them and cares for them and someone they trust.

Annie is a little busy body in there and thus, I have nicknamed her my tiny dancer. She moves and grooves up a storm and may I just say, the feeling of a moving baby inside you is absolutely priceless. I am over half way through this pregnancy and the anticipation of meeting our Annie is building rapidly. It's amazing how instantaneously a mother's love really is. For those of you reading this who are moms, you know exactly what that love feels like. For those of you who aren't moms yet, you have the most incredible love to look forward too!

Here she is.